Here’s what we’ve done in January:

  • The ability to deselect individual contacts when checking the select all option

  • New viewed icon shows previously added contacts on Interseller

  • Updated metrics on the Sequences and Reports dashboard

  • Improved algorithm for better email deliverability

  • Improvements to the “booked” status

  • Semi-annual billing with 1 month free

  • Recruiting integration with JobAdder and Zoho Recruit

  • CRM integration with Insightly

Deselecting individual contacts when checking the select all option

When you check the box to select all contacts in a sequence, you can now individually deselect specific contacts that you don’t want included by unchecking the box next to their name. Screen Recording 2019-01-24 at 05.11 PM

New viewed icon shows previously added contacts on Interseller

If you’ve previously looked up people on LinkedIn and added them to Interseller, it will show a viewed icon next to their profile page. This icon lets you know that you or a member of your team has already looked them up, saving you time to look up the same people as well as your lookup credits.

Image 2019-01-24 at 4.15.18 PM

Updated metrics on the Sequences and Reports dashboard

We’ve updated our metrics on the Sequences and Reports dashboard to be clearer and to help provide better actionable insights for you. The following data is specific to each team member so this doesn’t include team data. This the data you’ll now see in the Sequences dashboard:

In Message Activity…

  • Today - the number of messages that you’ve sent today is on left side of the “/” and the total number of messages that you have set to go out today is on the right side of the “/”

  • Tomorrow - this is the number of messages that you’re set to send out tomorrow

  • This Week - the number of messages that you’ve sent out for the week is on left side of the “/” and the number of messages that you have set to go out this week is on the right side of the “/” (these numbers will change if you add more contacts to sequences to email throughout the week)

Today’s Activity…

  • Lookups Used - this is the number of lookups that you’ve used today

  • Contacts Added - this is the number of contacts that you’ve added today

  • Replies Received - this is the number of replies that you’ve received today

  • Meetings Booked - this is the number of meetings that you’ve booked today

This Week’s Activity…

  • Lookups Used - this is the number of lookups that you’ve used this week

  • Contacts Added - this is the number of contacts that you’ve added this week

  • Replies Received - this is the number of replies that you’ve received this week

  • Meetings Booked - this is the number of meetings that you’ve booked this week

Image 2019-01-24 at 11.43.46 AM

In the Reports dashboard, these are the metrics you’ll now see:

  • Contacts added - number of contacts that were added within the specified timeframe (duplicate contacts will count twice if added into multiple sequences)

  • Contacts messaged - number of contacts who were messaged based on when they were added within the specified time frame

  • Contacts opened - number of contacts who opened the message based on when they were added within the specified time frame (percentage is calculated from number of contacts opened divided by the number of contacts messaged)

  • Contacts replied - number of contacts who replied back based on when they were added within the specified time frame (percentage is calculated from number of contacts replied by divided by the number of contacts messaged)

  • Meetings booked - number of contacts that have booked a meeting based on when they were added (percentage is calculated from number of contacts replied divided by the number of contacts messaged)

Image 2019-01-24 at 5.21.53 PM

Improved algorithm for better email deliverability

We’ve improved our algorithm for guessing emails so that you can have better email deliverability. This will help reduce getting invalid and risky emails for contacts.

Improvements to the “booked” status

Teammates can now update shared sequences to the “booked” status when they create a calendar invite for a contact on another teammate’s calendar. They’ll need to make sure that they’re on their teammate’s calendar when creating the invite and not on their own calendar for the “booked” status to appear on Interseller.

We’ve also updated our calendar sync to not forcibly mark a contact as booked when they haven’t been messaged yet. If the contact was messaged and booked in a previous sequence and added to a new sequence, they will also not be forcibly marked as booked in the new sequence.

Semi-annual billing with 1 month free

We now offer semi-annual billing with 1 month free. The plan applies to 6 consecutive months so this is a great alternative if you’re only using Interseller for a couple months out of the year. Semi-annual billing for our standard plan will be $500/user.

Recruiting integration with JobAdder and Zoho Recruit

We’re happy to announce 2 new integrations with recruiting software JobAdder and Zoho Recruit. You can now sync candidates you’ve added on Interseller directly into either of these integrations for a specific job or pool stage. We also de-duplicate against contacts so that you don’t have to worry about messaging candidates that you’ve previously reached out to.

CRM integration with Insightly

We’re proud to add Insightly to our list of CRM integrations. You can adjust whether to sync your contacts as leads or contacts as well as adjust how the custom fields are mapped on Insightly.