Here’s what we’ve got for you in October

  • Customize your first message from the Chrome extension

  • Reports per sequence

  • Create a sequence on behalf of your teammates

  • Disable/reactivate seats

Customize your first message from the Chrome extension

Whenever you’re on anyone’s social profile, you’ll have an option to customize your first message after you’ve added them to a sequence. An editor will appear at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen where you’ll be able to write your message while viewing a lead or candidate’s profile.


Reports per sequence

Before, our reports were only available at a team level or at a per teammate level. Now our reports can drill down on each of your sequences.


Create a sequence on behalf of your teammates

We know that a lot of our customers tend to act on behalf of their CEO or VP so we made it easier to get that started. Instead of requiring them to create a sequence for you, you can now do it yourself for them. They’ll also get an email notifying them that you’ve created a sequence under their email account.


Disable & reactivate seats

In the past, whenever you removed a user from your team you’d lose all of your team’s stats for that teammate. Now you can mark them “inactive” which will keep them as part of your team but disable access to Interseller’s features.

It also makes it really convenient for a teammate to have a billing-only seat or a reporting-only seat without needing to consume a seat license for it.


Other honorable mentions

There are also some other big things we’ve done to our Chrome extension that arent picture worthy but worth mentioning. First, the Chrome extension has been slightly rewritten to speed up the email lookup process. Second, we’ve made selecting a sequence a lot easier by adding search/typeahead functionality. Lastly, we added in a new method to source work emails which has helped improve lookups and verifications by 15%.

That’s it for now, check back with us next month for more new awesome Interseller updates!